Have you or a loved one sustained any kind of loss due to the negligence or wrongdoing of others in Riverside, CA? Maybe you were on Magnolia when a car ran a red light and sideswiped you. The other person claims it is your fault for making a right on red without looking. If it is your word against their insurance company, you may want to hire a Riverside personal injury lawyer.
Perhaps you were hiking Mount Rubidoux and another hiker’s dog bit you. That car you bought at a dealership downtown was defective and had a factory recall you should have been told about. Whatever the nature of your loss, you may be entitled to compensation. Perhaps the responsible party is not claiming fault and is refusing to supply sufficient reimbursement. Whether your losses are physical, financial, psychological or related to loss of reputation, the injury attorneys at Panish | Shea | Boyle | Ravipudi LLP can research your situation and determine how much compensation you are owed.