In Mastermind Groups, industry leaders can come together, share their challenges and victories, but most importantly generate a collective wisdom that goes far beyond any one member’s.
Let’s bring together a powerful group, so you can surround yourself with people from whom to learn. Mastermind groups generally meet twice / month; the cost is $200 / month / participant.
Two fundamental distinctions in our work are:
Purpose – What are you here for? Why do you choose this direction in life, why do you do what you do, & why do you want to achieve these goals? We approach this big question from both the external signs (performance, feedback, successes and failures) and from the internal connection to your heart and soul (aspirations, contemplation, intuition).
Gremlin – Your Inner Critic. Each of us harbors a central criticism of ourself. It was inculcated when you quite young and just learning the differences between you and other people and things in the world. Your Gremlin has been making your choices, holding you back in crucial moments, and forcing you to overcompensate (for the flaw it claims you possess) when it could be exposed. Once you come to terms with your Gremlin, it no longer runs you, so you experience your own power like never before.