


Last Name

M. Litman



Business Information


Did you know if you own a property with a fair market value above $150,000 it will go through the probate process if not protected in a Revocable Living Trust? This results in unnecessary costs that go to the government instead of your heirs. Revocable Living Trust, Last Will & Testament, HIPAA Privacy Waiver, Durable Power of Attorney, Advanced Healthcare Directive. You may be familiar with some of these documents but don’t know exactly how they work. I am an Estate Planning Attorney with a Master’s Degree in Taxation. I have been practicing for over 30 years and can help diffuse some of the confusion and anxiety that can surround planning for your future as well as that of your family. Contact me for a free consultation and let’s discuss how we can work together for your future.

Company Name

Litman and Associates

Website URL